Temporomandibular JOINT (tmj) treatment



Alleviate the pain and reduce the swelling in your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the jawbone to your skull. Ease the ongoing symptom of sore jaw muscles, headaches or migraines for ultimate relief.



Make sure your TMJ or orofacial pain issues don't return. Physiotherapy and other TMJ treatments at Body Restoration, can provide preventative measures to stop the cycle of jaw pain and stiffness before it comes around again.



Get back to your normal joint movements, such as talking, chewing and yawning, with our custom treatment plan that will relax and stretch the muscles around your mouth.

Body Restoration's Unique Approach to TMJ Treatment in Edmonton South

It can be challenging to eat, speak, or just yawn when you have jaw problems. A persistent pain or jaw movement can lead to headaches or migraines.

If you are experiencing severe pain or temporomandibular joint dysfunction due to conditions such as hypomobility, hypermobility, disc displacement or muscular or myofascial imbalance, Body restoration is here for you! 

Our unique approach to TMJ care has helped thousands of people across Edmonton overcome debilitating issues.

The 4 Types of Temporomandibular Join Dysfunction
  1. Hypomobility
  2. Hypermobility / Instability aka. Open Lock
  3. Disc Displacement
  4. Muscular / Myofascial Imbalance
Signs and Symptoms:
  • Decreased opening (n<40mm) and reduced lateral movements
  • Occasionally painful
  • Signs of ankylosis/contractures
  • May be combined with other syndromes
  • Often found in the elderly
  • Often unilateral
  • History of trauma, surgery, bruxism, joint noises
  • Deviation towards the affected side on opening
  • Lateral excursion limited to the contralateral side


  • Muscular Release Techniques
  • Joint Mobilization to improve opening on hypomobile side
  • Splint Therapy
  • Electrotherapy, Ultrasound, Acupuncture
  • Exercises (often)
  • Postural Correction, Stretching (opening, protrusion and lateral excursion), self-massage, controlled opening
Hypermobility / Instability
Signs and Symptoms:
  • Excessive anterior translation and too little rotation
  • Anterior subluxation of condyle outside eminence
  • Possible loud clunk in jaw joint at end of excessive opening
  • Possible lock in open position (send to dentist/PT)
  • General laxity of jaw joint
  • Atrophy and/or hypertrophy of masticatory muscles
  • Incoordination and weakness of the jaw muscles
  • ROM of opening in excess of 50mm
  • Excursion towards the non-affected side
  • History or trauma (ie. dental work/MVA) or habitually bad posture



  • Muscular techniques – AMRT, massage, IMS, Myofascial release
  • Mobilization of TMJ to improve opening only if unaffected side is hypomobile
  • Electrotherapy, Ultrasound, Acupuncture
  • Exercises – Postural correction, self-massage, controlled opening, isometric strengthening all movements
  • Avoid full opening, yawning with cervical spine flexion, strengthening hyoid muscles
Anterior Disc Displacement (Without Reduction) 0 Closed Lock
Signs and Symptoms:
  • Past history of jaw injury, click, occasional locking
  • With or without pain
  • Often acute
  • Decreased jaw function (i.e. opening and ability to chew)
  • Severe limitation of opening (5-30mm)
  • Lack of anterior glide of the condyle because disc is blocking movement
  • Severe deviation of the jaw on opening towards the affected side



  • Muscular Release Techniques – AMRT, massage, contract/relax, IMS, Myofascial release
  • Reduce the blockage with mobilization – Distraction and anterior glide
  • If disc does not reduce, mobilization to improve opening – Distraction and anterior glide
  • Electrotherapy, ultrasound, acupuncture
  • Jaw Exercises (often) – Postural correction, self-massage, stretching (opening, contralateral lateral excursion and protrusion), controlled opening
  • Splint therapy (anterior positioning splint used temporarily to recapture the disc)
Myofascial / Muscular Imbalance
Signs and Symptoms:
  • Usually gradual onset but sometimes trauma involved
  • Rarely joint noises
  • Facial pain, head pain, frequent headaches, referred pain patterns (teeth, ear, upper c/spine)
  • Uncoordinated muscle function and reduced strength
  • Signs and symptoms of c-spine dysfunction or cranial dysfunction
  • Bruxism, parafunctional habits (stress)
  • No intra-articular dysfunction
  • Atrophy/hypertrophy
  • Postural syndrome, ergonomic contributing factors, repetitive postures



  • Usually need to address cervical spine dysfunction as well as posture
  • Muscular techniques – AMRT, massage, contract/relaxation techniques, IMS, Myofascial release
  • Electrotherapy, ultrasound, acupuncture
  • Exercises (often) – Postural correction, self-massage, controlled opening, isometrics
  • Education – Eating soft food, posture correction
  • Splint therapy
Put an End to Medications and Avoid Surgery

The ultimate goal of our TMJ treatment plan is to ease the pain, reduce swelling and enhance jaw movements. If you are tired of taking pain medications, want to avoid surgery and need a more holistic approach to treat jaw disorders, our TMJ treatment can provide real results that may help you avoid surgery.

Our therapists are well versed with different TMJ disorders and know how to effectively tackle joint disorders. During an initial comprehensive evaluation, our therapists will assess jaw movements and create a customized treatment plan together with a TMJ massage regime to help your jaw get back to normal functioning. However, some temporomandibular disorders might need surgery. This will depend on a case-by-case basis.


Body Restoration is a collaborative rehabilitation center in Edmonton, Alberta, offering cutting edge treatment options for temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain management.

By combining various effective treatments with our TMJ experience and special training, our elevated quality of care puts all of your recovery needs right at your fingertips.

If you want to learn about TMJ therapies for jaw dysfunctions or if you are looking for other therapies like physiotherapy, chiropractors or massage therapy, Body Restoration is the place to go! We offer effective treatment options that can help in treating your problems from the moment you connect with us.